With the mid-term elections approaching, I've recently had some casual conversation with friends and relatives about politics and activism. I think I can safely say that most of us do not relish the times that we must take action on issues. I find myself overwhelmed with daily duties such as laundry, driving children here and there, and trying to be a good wife and mother. When a vote is up in the Senate or House (perhaps dealing with abortion, or euthanasia or stem cell research) and a phone call needs to be made to those offices, I cringe. I don't want to make the call. I have so many other things to do. I am not sure how I will be perceived, or even what to say. However, as the old quote goes, "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Some things we can't ignore or they simply will not go away. So I pick up the phone.
Just last night I happened upon a highly offensive, lewd television ad for a *personal phone line*, which flashed on the screen as I flipped channels, unable to sleep (mind you it was only 10:30 pm). Scantily clad women were showing off their bodies like a tawdry corner peep show. I was shocked, and even more upset that as this flashed on the screen my teenaged daughter entered the room to tell me goodnight. What does this image say to her? What would it say to my boys if they had seen?
So of course this morning I contacted the station in objection, and filed a complaint with the state Attorney General's office and FCC. Sigh. I hate to be a thorn in anyone's side, but ladies, if we don't keep things clean, the sludge will be all over our children's minds and bodies before you can say "The sixth commandment forbids all impurity and immodesty in words, looks, and actions, whether alone or with others." (St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 113)
Do I like looking up phone numbers and addresses and putting myself on the line to object? No..... but I must.
Take courage, and JUST DO IT!
"Deliver me, Lord, from the wicked....from those who plan evil in their hearts, who stir up conflicts every day, who sharpen their tongues like serpents, venom of asps upon their lips.
Keep me, Lord, from the clutches of the wicked; preserve me from the violent, who plot to trip me up...I say to the Lord: You are my God; listen, Lord, to the words of my prayer, My revered Lord, my strong helper, my helmet on the day of battle. Lord, do not grant the desires of teh wicked; do not let their plots succeed..." Psalm 140: 1-9